Sunday, August 8, 2010

Working through puzzles

If you've ever been stumped by a "how did they do that?" then you'll relate to my fascination with this chain maille pattern that features caged beads. I'd seen finished pieces on display at a local bead shop and tried to recreate the design on my own but somehow the bead always dislodged. It wasn't until I took a workshop that I finally understood. Aside from learning the technique, I was also privileged to see a demonstration of natural teaching ability which I'll remember whenever I do the pattern. Thanks Miriam.

Here's the "stitch that provided the inspiration. You can have a closer look at what I've done with it by visiting the Necklace catalogue on Buy Bling

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You have to start somewhere

Q. When does a hobby stop being a hobby?
A. When you no longer continue the activity for pure enjoyment.

That being said, I’m a hobbyist who enjoys creating. My current interest is mostly jewellery – glass beads, metal, natural stone and minerals. I get a kick learning a technique or working with a medium I haven’t tried before. The problem is what do I do with all the items I’ve made. My solution is this blog.

I’d rather see the bracelets, necklaces et al find a home with someone who will enjoy wearing them as much as I did making them. If I can cover my costs as well, then I can afford to keep trying new projects without going broke. Sounds good in theory. Hope it works.

Look forward to hearing from you by email if you see something you like or have questions.