Most days, I'm awake by 4 a.m., weekends included. I force myself to stay in bed for another hour. Usually I read, everything from mysteries to manuals, latest is a series on working with polymer clay. Haven't moved my idea notebook to the bedside table as yet but that may not be a bad idea since this is an ideal time to work on new designs.
As the days are now getting longer, the cat goes out earlier so that's my cue to get moving. Once the computer is on, coffee is brewing, both indoor and outdoor felines fed -- a few of the neighbours show up for early backdoor "buffet -- I can retreat to my workbench before the rest of the household is up. Since I set up my space in the laundry room, I'll also throw on a quick load while either starting a new project or finishing what's in progress. By the time the washer is done, I've gotten my daily " fix" and am ready for breakfast.. And most of this happens before I have coffee.
I'll be the first to admit this is not a lifestyle for everyone. But it works for me. By 7 a.m., I'm ready to get on with the rest of the day having satisfied my creative urge first. It also means I have some quiet time to work out ideas and come up with new projects.
Now if I could just find a way of working photo shoots into my daily routine, I'd be able to update both blog sites more often!
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