Sunday, September 20, 2009


It's been a beautiful last weekend of summer.While the nights and mornings are now cool, the days can still be warm and sunny. Took advantage of the good weather today to move around some lilies and peonies, tidy the vegetable beds and tie up the tomato plants that still need to give up fully ripe fruit. Yesterday I picked the first monster tomato I've ever seen -- weighed a full kilogram! (For those interested, the variety was Hawaiian Pineapple, an heirloom variety that I've grown from seed before but never with this type of result.) Picked it partially green since it looked to heavy for the rest of the plant. Expect it will be ready for a taste test by week's end.

Took a well-earned coffee break about noon and decided to finally take a picture of my patio buddy. This blue butterly was an early experiment in garden accessories. It's been floating in part shade over top of a hydrangea bush for the last few months -- love the way it sparkles when it catches the sun. Thought you'd enjoy it as well.

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You have to start somewhere

Q. When does a hobby stop being a hobby?
A. When you no longer continue the activity for pure enjoyment.

That being said, I’m a hobbyist who enjoys creating. My current interest is mostly jewellery – glass beads, metal, natural stone and minerals. I get a kick learning a technique or working with a medium I haven’t tried before. The problem is what do I do with all the items I’ve made. My solution is this blog.

I’d rather see the bracelets, necklaces et al find a home with someone who will enjoy wearing them as much as I did making them. If I can cover my costs as well, then I can afford to keep trying new projects without going broke. Sounds good in theory. Hope it works.

Look forward to hearing from you by email if you see something you like or have questions.