Sunday, September 26, 2010

Sign of the season

Listening to the radio over breakfast yesterday, I heard my first "days to Christmas" alert. Three months today it will actually be the day after now. I usually wait until Thanksgiving before I start seriously thinking about organizing the holiday gifts with exception of an early present to myself -- a visit to the annual rock and mineral show.

On this weekend, it's where I spent a glorious three hours Saturday afternoon, browsing, meeting old friends and searching for supplies and new ideas. And yes, I SHOPPED. When I was logging my purchases in inventory earlier today, for fun I totaled the linear length of strands I brought home. Almost 20.5 ft. of gemstone chips and freshwater pearls. That's equivalent to the average width of a two-lane road! And they're all gorgeous -- mostly pastel shades, especially the pearls.

Gemstone chips are fun to work with but I'm just starting to experiment with pearls. Sorry I don't have a picture to include with this posting, mainly because the new materials are still in bags. But if you want an idea of the variety of both shape and color in freshwater pearls, have a look at the bracelets catablog on Buy Bling.

Oh, and if you have any ideas of pieces for me to make, feel free to get in touch. 

You have to start somewhere

Q. When does a hobby stop being a hobby?
A. When you no longer continue the activity for pure enjoyment.

That being said, I’m a hobbyist who enjoys creating. My current interest is mostly jewellery – glass beads, metal, natural stone and minerals. I get a kick learning a technique or working with a medium I haven’t tried before. The problem is what do I do with all the items I’ve made. My solution is this blog.

I’d rather see the bracelets, necklaces et al find a home with someone who will enjoy wearing them as much as I did making them. If I can cover my costs as well, then I can afford to keep trying new projects without going broke. Sounds good in theory. Hope it works.

Look forward to hearing from you by email if you see something you like or have questions.